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Second hand trampolines – buyers, beware and aware

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie

Second-hand trampolines – buyers beware

If you are wanting to know what to look out for and be aware of before buying a second-hand trampoline then this article is for you.

eBay, gum tree, and local buy, swap and sell sites are well-known places for sellers to offload their household goods and many people are using the well-known websites to purchase anything and everything, secondhand trampolines included.

Second-hand trampolines are quite a hot item around Christmas time in particular in Australia. However, when the trampoline purchased is discovered to be in poor shape, parents find themselves unable to do much about it, especially when all too often the original supplier of the trampoline was purchased from is long gone, or don’t supply spare parts for their products (which is the case of department and some sport stores purchased trampolines.

Issues with jumping mats


  • A common problem with second-hand trampolines is that they have their original mats removed and replaced with others. Since the mat is the most likely to deteriorate, especially after being relocated, it is best to look into where a replacement mat can be purchased.
  • Often they are sold without a mat and this can even be because the current owner cannot find a replacement mat.
  • If you are buying it with the original mat it is unlikely to last long once moved if the trampoline has been installed for more than 2 years. Ask where they purchased the trampoline from to be sure you will be able to get a replacement mat from them.
  • A second-hand trampoline is often ‘soggy’, as kids say, meaning that the springs are not in top shape anymore or not aligned where they were on the frame at the original location, as a result, they do not give a great bounce. Replacing the springs is recommended.
  • Reading the following article about trampolines mats will also be a great help to you.

Issues with frames

  • There is no such thing as a standard frame size for trampolines, and trying to replace pieces can lead to a faulty trampoline that will not be able to function as it should.
  • It is very important to check for rust at the joints and where the leg piece rests on the ground.
  • Each factory makes to slightly different dimensions including how the pieces interlock with each other and the sizes of the steel etc can vary greatly across brands.
  • Check the hole on the frame to be confident the steel isn’t being torn/worn by the springs. This can happen when the steel used is of poor quality and thickness.

Issues with nets

  • Finding a correct net for your second-hand trampoline can be a hassle.
  • Checking the number of poles needed the diameter of both the poles and trampoline legs.
  • Measure with extra care between the legs, before you go shopping for a new net.
  • Some older design rectangle trampoline will not take an off the shelf rectangle net assemblies due to the leg configurations.

Issues with spring cover padding

  • Trampoline padding size is measured after its nominal frame size. Eg: 12 ft trampoline will have 12 ft padding.
  • However, the specifications of the padding can vary a bit, so you need to be extra careful to find the right one. Eg some have holes for net poles to go through others don’t have holes 
  • Padding is the most forgiving part of the trampoline so the easiest part to source and fit.
  • We suggest only buying padding if the frame, mat, and netting are sorted first.


A second-hand trampoline may seem like a good deal, but they can dig a hole in your wallet if they are in need of parts at the time of or soon after purchase.  Please feel free to send us a message here, or call us on (03) 5292 1100 before you make the decision. We can advise you best on what you can do for the trampoline you are looking at, or already have at home in your garden.

Photo - Flickr - Andy Melton

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