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Know when and why to replace the kids trampoline

| 8 minutes read | Written by Julie

How to Know if it's Time to Replace Your Family Trampoline

Whether you invested in a professional standard trampoline or a cheaper option, no doubt it has given you and your family hours of fun and exercise. Perhaps it was just an impulse buy to keep the kids occupied during the summer months or it’s been the apparatus that got the kids started on a gymnastics career. Maybe it’s an old trampoline that you’ve passed down to your kids.

There are numerous reasons why you might be looking for information about replacing your family trampoline and there is more to buying a trampoline that kids will use than is first considered. There is also a lot of very slick marketing out there to work your way through too.

backyard-trampolineThe kids have outgrown it

This is a common reason we see families looking for a new trampoline. Buying new or sourcing a secondhand one you will be wanting to learn what is the right size for my family now.

You are likely to have space or budget limit and possibly a limit to both. If the kids know there is no more available space then it might be that you need to buy the same size or even consider a different shape for the existing space. 

There is a common enough change too, from a trampoline that is too big to something smaller. If a trampoline is too big for the kid's weights then they will find that it takes too much energy to create a bounce and they will be more likely to want to have more than one person on the trampoline at a time to help create the inertia for more bounce with a friend.

Having a trampoline too big can come about when department stores mostly sell a bigger trampoline eg 14ft on sale less than a 12ft or for only a few dollars more. More space for little kids when all they do is roll, skip and run on it isn't a problem until they are really into actively wanting to jump and flip at around 8 years old. This is a great article on Choosing the right trampoline for your family 

"Buying a trampoline online is easy but buying the wrong one is easier"  Don't let that happen to you.

Kids complaining about the bounce

Trampoline parks and trampoline classes are very common and many kids do participate, often then realizing the trampoline at home won't give the bounce they want to be able to train between classes. With the increase of kids participating in a whole host of sports that incorporate flips from Gymnastics and cheerleading to diving, snowboarding, and parkour.

By the time they are teens they really know what they want from their trampolines. Some sports like gymnastics and cheer want more space than bounce, but divers, board users, and parkour want to achieve as much height as they can so when doing their sport they have loads of awareness for moving, flilppinig and tricking on the way down.

These sports orientated kids are the most decerning of buyers and parents often make the mistake of not listening or being aware and just buy the most expensive trampolines on the market. This is rarely the best bounce for the majority of these kids. Here is a link to a couple of great articles on the bounce and they will open up some great discussions with your athletes to ensure that the trampoline you invest in will be the one that will last your family all the way. Why most trampolines fail the kids bounce test &  Which trampolines are bounciest and why

Consider Repairing Before Recycling

Unfortunately, even for the most expensive trampoline there comes a point where it’s seen better days and, as we all know, when using a trampoline - safety is paramount. The frame and legs could be old and rusted through or your mat may have tears, holes, or signs of damage. 

Your trampoline may not have fared well if it's taken flight during a storm and ended its journey smashed against a fence or wall. When your trampoline is no longer safe to use, most people will automatically think of sending or taking it to the local recycling facility but there may be another option.

As we become more aware of sustainability through reusing and recycling products, we would suggest that you try to repair or replace damaged or worn parts before you consider consigning your trampoline to landfill. However, in practice, this may not be so easy to do. It can be difficult to find the parts that you need, especially if you bought an imported model. Many manufacturers don’t supply replacement trampoline parts and other manufacturers may have gone out of business since you made your original purchase.

Replacement Mats and Springs

While a trampoline mat should last you for years, some owners find that their mat is ruined by falling fire embers or even handheld sparklers long before its allotted lifespan. Unfortunately, the most difficult part to source is a replacement jumping mat so if you can’t find a suitable mat or combination of a mat and springs, then you’re going to have to resign yourself to the fact that your trampoline is only fit for the scrapheap! Here is a link to The secrets to ordering the right mat for your trampoline.

Replacement Legs

Trampoline legs can become rusted and worn through, but it is possible to replace them if you know the original supplier. If you can’t source replacement leg parts from the original supplier, you may be able to find a metal fabricator who can make something to retrofit your frame in order to make your trampoline usable again. Unless you can find your original manufacturer then these parts are greatly varied from factory due to brand requests and the machines used. 

Unable to Source the Parts You Need?

Your first port of call when trying to find replacement parts should be the company or manufacturer which supplied your trampoline. However, if you find that you’re at a dead-end, the team here at Web and Warehouse may be able to offer an easy fix that you may not have thought of or point you in the direction of websites and repairers that may have the solution to your problem.

The Bottom Line

It can be possible to revive an old or damaged trampoline, but this comes with a cost attached and it may be that buying a replacement will prove to be an easier and more cost-effective option. This will definitely be the case if you need to replace the mat, net, and pads on an old frame at the same time.

However, before you do consign your old trampoline to the tip or local recycling center, why not check if they have any recycled parts available? Some recycling centers do keep items such as trampoline poles and other bits and pieces, so you could be in luck!

And as a final point, if repair isn’t an option and you do need to replace your trampoline, try to avoid buying one that is an unusual shape such as a hexagon or oval or an odd size as you’ll find it extremely difficult to find replacement parts in the future.

If you need further advice on whether to recycle or replace your trampoline or advice on where to find spare parts, you can either email us or give us a call on 03 5293 1100.

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