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Which trampolines are the bounciest and why? It's all about the bounce...

| 12 minutes read | Written by Julie

 It's all about the bounce... Which trampolines are the bounciest and why?

Such a subjective question and one that all too many trampoline companies try to convince consumers that all their trampolines offer the most bounce for everyone. The marketing is written in a way to imply that the only choice you need to make is, around the space you have in the garden and your budget. This is just not the case across the range of trampoline sizes and shapes. Too many; who follow this form of marketing do end up grossly disappointed in the choice based on the bounce their kids get from a trampoline after all bounce is what kids want from a trampoline.

Finding the trampoline with the best bounce for an individual or family is a bit like a "Goldilocks experience"; to find the "just right" trampoline.

  • For example, I am a 65kg non-flipping woman. A couple of our trampolines to me feel like a rebounder; with a sort sharp bounce; meaning I am too heavy for what I consider my optimal bounce. A couple of others I just don't bounce on my own they're just too big or the bounce depending on the mat and spring combination too soft or too hard.
  • Then there are the three that I particularly like on my own, but just one favourite, and I have 20 to choose from! My favourite isn't the one I would choose if I was often on with other adults, so how social kids are, also plays a role in the decision.

chad-yates-jump-pillow-sunsetWhy is there such a difference in our own range of trampolines?

  • The variance in bounce comes about due to the actual size of a trampoline and in particular the width or diameter.
  • The shape of the trampoline, rectangles will have a better bounce than a round trampoline comparing similar width or diameter. 
  • Then you need to consider the weight/ages of the kids using the trampoline most of the time.
  • Finally thought and consideration needs to be given to the sports that the kids want to be training for on the trampolines.
  • Do note, some sports don't really need a trampoline with a great bounce - eg Cheerleading as they train for performing on a spring floor. 
  • With the bounce, there is often a trade-off with space, over height or height over space.

How do consumers know what is the best bounce trampoline?

  • I think with the marketing out there it is very difficult to navigate the trampoline market to truly find what kids are after in terms of bounce.
  • Kids in recent times have been taking trampolining at home on the domestic garden trampoline to a new level.
  • Developing their own sport "Gtramp" - calling themselves "Gtrampers" as high users of "Garden Trampolines"  for extreme tricks of flips and combos.
  • Most "garden trampolines" just don't have the design structure, strength or bounce to withstand the use that being a Gtramper entails.
  • Parents and kids are now seeking out a quality trampoline - but when every brand says they have a "quality trampoline" and "best bounce" too many kids are disappointed by the trampoline they get.

Recently I was at the Hobart Museum and art gallery where I saw a big banner sign out the front displaying the words “stories that move you” and I asked myself "What are, the stories that move you, Julie"? The first thought I had was of our customers, especially the Gtramp kids that message me after they have their new GeeTramp trampoline to tell me all the new tricks they can now do on the GeeTramp that they couldn’t do on their old trampoline.

You may ask why does this still move you?

  • It tells me our marketing is not overselling our trampoline.
  • We aim for authentic, genuine marketing and strive to educate consumers through the various media mediums that "no one trampoline is right for everyone" and that care and consideration needs to be made to be confident the trampoline you choose is the right one.
  • We avoid pressure and broad-brush marketing of "sales words" that can be misleading, giving the idea that "any trampoline will do".
  • The amount of feedback I get directly from kids through social media is heartwarming, knowing that their expectations haven’t exceeded the actual product experience so that people are genuinely excited and happy even after enough hype is created by Gtramp kids through social media and school social groups. 
  • As a consumer I dislike greatly, unrealistic sales terms, so we as a business deliberately exclude some of the overused sales words from our marketing. Or if  I do use terms such as the "best", or "bounciest" I will go into depth to explain exactly who I would be referencing with that comment or phrase.
  • As a business and brand, we prefer customers to use those words authentically in their reviews and video posts on Instagram and such themselves.

After the trip to Hobart I did a post with this article in mind; asking our Instagram followers what tricks that they were able to do on their new GeeTramp from the first couple of days that was a step up in skill level and ability from what they could do on their old trampoline.

New Trampoline VS Old; Instagram kids responses,

These kids comments are still on my post on Instagram @webandwarehouse 31st May 2018 and you can view this as honest social proof that our trampolines do deliver a great bounce to kids but they were all matched to the right trampoline through a consultation, testing a friends or good solid research. (feel free to click through to see some of their posts)

jyemainprize  - 10x17ft High Bounce - Every single trick that I can do now I couldn’t do on my old one - I’m really not sure what Tramp it was called???? just a bad one

gymnast_lara  - 9x14ft Standard - A BHS FULL

chee.edits   10x17ft Standard  - I had a terrible 12 foot circle where the best trick I could do was a dub back, I can now 123 in backs, quad back, trip kaboom, trip back landed ndb, trip front combos trip back combos and loads more that I would never have been able to do on the circle

sam.meredith.321  10x17ft High bounce - Trip back trip kaboom Rudy in 1 2 3 kabooms I think it was a big bounce 14ft circle but I got your guys 10x17 high bounce

jackallenliam  8x12ft - High bounce - Everything pretty much our old one was a Kmart round

cam.coutts  8x12ft High Bounce - My old tramp was horrible, a small round tramp from kmart that hardly bounced at all. Then I got a web and warehouse tramp and it was instantly so much better! I can do so much more tricks than what I could do on my old tramp and have accomplished much more tricks that turned out to be easy on my new tramp. love it!!!

tealohgillies  9x14ft High Bounce - Back flip without springs in the face

_jackmckittrick 8x12ft HIgh Bounce - I have a high bounce mat and it made a HUGE difference. Everything apart from backflip and frontflip

seannflips  10x17ft High Bounce - Trip kaboom and quad soon

dakoda_barr 8x12ft - Everything apart from super basic tricks before I got a web and warehouse I just had a small circle target tramp

jarodabraham 14x16ft High Bounce- Double front, double back, TD Raiz, front full, Rudy, backflip stalls, ballouts

lachy_watergoat 9x14ft  High Bounce - With my other web and warehouse 14ft circle, I couldn’t doub front by now with my web and warehouse rectangle, I can doub front and land it.

ashyflips 8x12ft - High Bounce - I get new learns everyday with my new web and warehouse trampoline for example today I learnt Cody fulls

edoggyking 9x14ft  High Bounce - Black Edition - Practically every trick I had a really tight 10ft circle but your tramps are just absolutely amazing and the next level

sarahsflips 9x14ft Standard - Since having my new @geetramp trampoline, I’ve gotten my full

dean_flips 9x14ft High Bounce - Used to only be able to backflip and front flip on my old 10ft circle. Now I can do way more

_leigh99_  1017ft High Bounce - So many new learn it’s insane haha I had a 14 foot circle and upgraded to 10x17 rectangle, since having the tramp I’ve learnt most double flips and trip front

evohd  9x14ft - Standard Bounce - With my new 9x14ft web and warehouse tramp I got kabooms, rudys and almost double sideflip! My friend @david_kypriotis did 1 bounce double back and was so close to landing double front. @i_am_j.kypi also was so close to landing the double frontflip on my web and warehouse trampoline.

amyanderson7 9x14ft - High bounce - Rounding backhand spring

brisbane_flipping_team  10x17ft - High Bounce - on @ryan__fogarty Trampoline - Trip front

tommy_cockram  - 9x14ft - Standard mat - 1 bounce trip front

matt.flipz  9x14ft - High Bounce-  Double front x double ballout combo to double front landed

flippin.grace  10x17ft - Standard Mat - Pretty much all of the tricks I can do now I definitely couldn’t have done with my old one!

kalxnn_  10x17ft - High Bounce - Combos!

notkristoffw  10x17ft High Bounce -Triple front

thecodstar  9x14ft - High Bounce - There is actually a lot of tricks I couldn’t do on my old tramp that I can do on my web and warehouse but mainly just improved on a lot of tricks since I’ve have my web and warehouse.

bigham2211 10x17ft - High Bounce - Dub back and dub front

luce.kells_  9x14ft - High Bounce - Front half and 1 bounce knee front

pippynorriss 9x14ft High Bounce -On my old tramp it was to hard to add on tricks but now with my Web and warehouse trampoline it is way easier! And sometimes I fail but thanks to the nets it saves me

saiph_tramp  9x14ft - High Bounce - Dub back, kaboom full, Cody half, dub kaboom. (All NDB)

_elijahbond_ 12ft Round - Triple front, triple side, dub back

Thank you to you all our Instagram followers for your comments on this post and many others, and for being active in the Gtramp community.

So which trampoline has the most bounce?

Bounce on a trampoline is different for people of different weights and skills more than anything else.

Below are some links to other articles to assist in answering your questions as to which trampoline is best for you and your family.

Two things I ask you keep in mind while trampoline shopping online.

  1. All trampolines are right for someone, just no one trampoline is right for everyone.

  2. Buying a trampoline online is easy, buying the wrong trampoline is even easier, don't let that happen to you.

The other option is; and we encourage you to get on the phone to our young friendly team, who will be more than happy to guide you based on your kid's ages, weight, and skills or sports they participate and will train on the trampoline for. We offer a free no-obligation consultation, answer your questions and give you the pros and cons of the sizes discussed so you will be fully informed and know what to expect of any size. Call today - (03) 5292 1100 or message us here.

Photo with thanks to @chadyatess


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