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What if my trampoline frame has more holes than a replacement mat?

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

Best trampoline mat tips and one incredibly easy tool that works for all

Is it ok if I have more holes in the trampoline frame than a replacement mat has spring hooks? This is a common question and dilemma people face and ask us about. In actual fact, it isn't a problem at all.

  • Providing the mat is 100% secured to the frame you can use a mat with less spring attachment points than holes in the frame (just don't do it the other way around - fewer holes in a frame with more spring points on the mat).
  • We don’t have all the mats with all spring combination quantities. However, if you're unable to find your previous supplier or a mat in the marketplace with your spring quantities it isn't a big issue. All you'll need to do is miss some holes in your frame which is perfectly fine.
  • The only way for us to be confident our mat will fit your frame is for you to take the time to use our round trampoline mat calculator.

Why use the mat calculator?

  • There is only a tolerance of 25 mm between a mat being too tight or too loose.
  • Taking 6 measurements across the diameter is important as it's very rare to find a trampoline that is perfectly round.
  • The biggest concern is a trampoline replacement mat being too tight. This is because it's harder to detect because the mat may function fine for a while but then it'll start to show signs of deterioration around the stitching and at the metal hook areas due to being under too much strain and tension. Therefore shortening the life of the mat.

What does the mat calculator do?

Our mat calculator takes into consideration the following specifications:

  • The diameter of the frame tubing
  • Where the spring slots into the mat
  • The depth of the "D" rings on the mat
  • Frame size diameter (this can vary up to 15 cm for a 15ft trampoline so do not wiggle the trampoline into shape once you've started measuring)
  • Spring length

The 25 mm tolerance can be absorbed in the differences very quickly so measuring accurately is critical to your outcome.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to use the chat feature at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. ( a final good tip to take note of before messaging us) 

  Before calling us it will be helpful to know: 

  • A mat ID number will show with the end result when using the mat calculator, telling you if one of our mats will fit your frame or not.
  • Please note the number down so we can easily find your data from the mat calculator.

If you would like to discuss this further with us to clarify anything please feel free to call us on 03 52921100 or message us here.


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