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Secrets to ordering the right mat for your trampoline

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie

Did you know 10ft trampolines aren't all exactly 10ft?

Collectively manufacturers, retailers and the public use the imperial term feet/ foot to be inclusive of near enough for all trampolines within a few or more inches of each other. Across brands, a trampoline can vary up to almost half a foot. The bigger the nominal size of the trampoline the greater the variances. So, having said that, ordering a new mat can be very difficult if you are unable to purchase from the original importer/supplier. I am going to go over some of the main pitfalls and things to look out for when trying to get a new mat to fit your trampoline frame.

Many suppliers will only advise you of what length spring their mat goes with but not inform you of the other variances that will come into play to ensure that you will order a mat that will fit and last as it should on your trampoline.

If a trampoline mat is too loose it is easy to detect, but if it is too tight it will go unnoticed as it is still easy enough to fit the springs and the kids are likely to like the bounce that it gives. The downside is that you will think that the mat is inferior because it will start to either tear at the webbing where the "D" rings are sewn in, or the stitching will begin to come away at the mat in what is an unreasonable time frame.

secret-father-daughterWe will explain here what to look out for when re-ordering a new Round Trampoline mat

(click to go to How to Measure for a rectangle trampoline mat)

1- Frame - It is measured from the outside edge to the outside edge, across the diameter and we recommend 5-6 measurements - the bigger the trampoline the more out of round it normally is - up to 12 cm! This is even more pronounced if the mat is no longer on the trampoline frame.

2- Tube diameter - Frame tube diameter does vary - it might only be 5-10 mm but when the tolerance between your current mat and a replacement mat with a different manufacturer is only 25 mm before the mat is either too tight or too loose this 5-10 mm is significant.

3 - Hole in frame - pending the position of where the manufacturer punches the hole in the frame also can very another 5 mm

4 -Springs - As many as 5 different spring lengths are known to be used on anyone 'generic nominal" trampoline size. Our mat calculator that we will direct you to next will recommend a spring change if we don't have the exact fitting mat with your current springs.

5 - 'D' rings - not a huge variance but they do play a role in the overall measurements.

How will I know if the mat won't fit?

  • We have talked at length to many people while trying to help them get a new mat for their trampoline. We do want to sell you a mat but we want it to be the right mat that will last, so you don't keep buying mats too frequently due to them not fitting correctly or at all and having to return them.
  • If the mat is too loose it is easily detected by no bounce and being like a hammock!
  • If it is too tight and it isn't picked up then the mat will pull away from the stitching within 3-8 months pending use.
  • We can't stress enough the importance of using our mat calculator accurately to be confident that the mat you order will fit your trampoline.

Please use our Trampoline Mat Calculator and if you have any questions along the way just message us here or phone (03) 5292 1100

Photo - Jenn Durfey - Flickr

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