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How to measure a round trampoline mat

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie


How to measure a round trampoline mat

Mat Finder →

In case you have an older trampoline, or you just want to verify your round trampoline mat size, you will need to do some measuring to be confident the mat you order will fit your trampoline. This fact is especially helpful when you want to acquire a new trampoline mat that is compatible with your existing trampoline no matter what the brand or who the supplier was.


Why do we need to check sizes?

  • In general, most parts on a trampoline are interchangeable between brands e.g. spring cover padding, netting, springs.
  • However the Jumping Mat size needs to be a very close fit or you could easily end up with a mat that’s too loose resulting in no bounce and no fun, or too tight which overworks the springs and mat stitching which equates to being unsafe and shortens the trampoline mat life.


There are many manufacturers and brands in the marketplace.

Without a structured industry sizing standard, the end result is that the actual frame diameter and spring lengths do vary a lot which means you simply cannot order a mat based on trampolines nominal size alone e.g. we normally stock 6 different diameter mats for 15 ft trampolines and this still doesn’t cover all the variations in the market.

As you can begin to understand the actual math of measuring a round trampoline mat is a bit complicated...

  • If you do not want to develop a mighty headache, a good solution is our automated mat size calculator.
  • You are basically inputting all the information required, and then have the math done for you.
  • This technique is less time consuming and more accurate so you can have the confidence that the mat you order will fit if you have taken care with your calculations.
  • Trampoline Web and Warehouse provide a Mat Size Checker (Calculator) to help eliminate the guesswork.
  • Please take the time to measure accurately to the millimetre, so no rounding up or down to the nearest centimetre.

More information about the Mat Calculator

  • Best to wait for a second person to help to ensure numbers are accurate.
  • First, measure the size of the frame from outside edge to outside edge; in metric, to get the diameter 
  • Make sure that you take the same measurement from different edges, as trampolines are rarely perfectly round.
  • 4-6 measurements - 6 for 14-16 ft trampolines as they are more out of round than the smaller ones
  • Lining up with the legs can help to ensure that you are going through the middle of the trampoline each time
  • Count the number of springs,
  • Measure the length of a spring (one that hasn't been overstretched) 
  • Put a spring in one of the frame holes and measure from the outside edge of the frame to the tip of the spring where it attaches to the mat.
  • These are the figures you will be working with to input into the calculator.

How to measure a round trampoline - conclusion

  • Calculations are based upon the size of the diameter of the frame, the frame tubing, where the hole is positioned, the depth of the mat triangles and springs;
  • A result will be based on your measurements and from that, you will be informed what mat will be recommended to you.
  • Accurate measuring is critical to ensure the right mat and or springs are sent to you. 
  • There will also be an option to purchase springs if your trampoline is out of size for the mat range we have available.
  •  You will also get a mat ID number which you can phone (03 52921100) us with to discuss your calculations if you have any further questions.

A round trampoline is a lot of fun but it is highly dependant on the jumping mat fitting correctly. Knowing how to measure your trampoline for the correct fitting mat will ensure your kids will still get lots of life out of heir existing trampoline.

If you need assistance please call us on (03) 5292 1100 or message us here.

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