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Used Trampolines - Things to know before you buy

| 2 minutes read | Written by Julie

Used Trampolines - Things to know before you buy

Used trampolines can often come onto the market in great condition as the owner's personal lives change, moving house, and downsizing, deciding to make room for a pool, etc. It could be a known trampoline brand, which will go in its favour. Still best to read on and know what to look for all the same. 

On the other hand, a used trampoline can be a drain on the new owner’s wallet sooner than you would like.

Here are some links to a few articles I have written about what to look out for before purchasing a used trampoline based on contact with customers who have purchased or acquired a used trampoline.


  • These articles will highlight what to look out for before committing and putting effort into relocating into your own garden.
  • Some issues are not an issue until the trampoline is relocated so having a read will leave you better informed and knowing what to do in the event of any issues coming to light.
  • Even if the used trampoline you are looking at is relatively new, there are some things to take note of before deciding on purchasing it.


  1. Second Hand Trampolines 
  2. Secondhand Trampolines - Buyer Beware
  3. Relocating / Disassembling Trampoline 
  4. Selection of articles about choosing a trampoline


Trampoline Warranty – lifetime warranty and half price spare parts

  • Learning that warranty won’t carry over to the new owner is one thing customers regularly aren’t aware of until something happens.
  • Some companies, for example, have half price parts for life for the original owners of their trampolines only.

If you have further questions about a specifically used trampoline you have your eye on after reading the above links then please send us a photo in an email or message us here and mention the brand if known and trampoline size. We will happily advise you further on that specific trampoline. Or feel free to call us on (03) 5292 1100


Photo - John McDonald - Flickr

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