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Checklist for buying rectangular trampoline mat online

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie

rectangular-trampoline-mat-how-to-measureChecklist to buying a replacement Rectangular Trampoline Mat online

How to measure and check your rectangular trampoline before buying trampoline mat

Trampoline Mat, Trampoline Bed, Matt, Jumping mat?

Simply stated this is the part of the trampoline that the users bounce on for height. It’s attached to the frame by springs and most commonly black.

A trampoline mat is the hardest trampoline part to match across brands as each factory makes to their own specifications and there is very little variance tolerable in the mat sizes. You additionally must be lucky on the spring count in each direction and the detail of how the mat is attached to the trampoline at the corner.

For all the above reasons a trampoline mat, for both round and rectangular trampolines is best bought from your original supplier if possible. However, if where you purchased your trampoline from is no longer around or if you have an acquired or second-hand trampoline and a brand isn’t known; then you are in the right place for the information to best equip you in finding a replacement mat.

Each customer needs to accurately measure their trampoline before purchasing from an alternate supplier than where they originally purchased.

NOTE ** If you have a round trampoline the requirements to measure is quite different please follow this link to our round trampoline mat calculator

how-to-measure-rectangular-trampoline-matHow to measure a Rectangular Trampoline for a replacement mat

  1. Measure the length and width of your frame (metric and convert to imperial –closest foot no inches)
  2. Have a look at the corner of your trampoline and how the mat is secured into the corner. Some mats have an elastic web, some have a spring, others may have nothing.
  3. Count the number of springs – Note separately how many are on the long side and how many are on the short side,
  4. Add the long and short sides total together and double it for a complete total of springs. This total excludes any springs that are in the corners.
  5. Measure the length of your springs from hook end to hook end
  6. To measure the mat length and width we recommend you measure from between the first and second spring to avoid a possible curve of the middle of the trampoline if the frame has bowed in at all. (which is can significantly on some brands)
  7. To know the nominal size of your trampoline - which can be helpful when searching websites or eBay - Take the measurement across the width and length of your frame from the outside edge of the metal frame to the outside frame on the opposite side. If you have only a metric tape measure convert to imperial as trampoline sizes most commonly are still compared in imperial feet.

Why is it so important to do all these measurements?

Simply each factory makes to slightly different measurements for a nominal size of say 8x12ft. The variance can be in the diameter of the tubing, the position of the spring hole in the frame, it might be the actual trampoline spring length or even the depth of the “V” hook sewn into the mat. Where ever the variances are there is a small tolerance between a mat you have had and one that can be supplied to you. The variance at best is 25mm which by the list above you can appreciate could be absorbed very quickly.

Taking note and being informed here will ensure you don’t buy the wrong mat.

We do hope we will have a match for your frame so you will soon have your kids back outside jumping happily in no time.

You will find our rectangular trampoline mats here and you can then check if we have one to suit your frame.

If you don’t find one with us then you can try both of these Australian companies

Trampoline replacement mats NSW

Topline Trampolines QLD

Feel free to call us with your measurements if you would like to discuss any aspect of your measurements with us 03 52921100

Image credit to @kahn06 

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