Trampoline problems - to know how to avoid before you buy
Once you have a trampoline up and assembled you would like to think all was done for the trampoline for the next 5 + years, the kids now entertained and happy.
However in due course; if you haven’t done all your research before purchasing your trampoline via online, or asked the neighbours about their kid's trampolines etc you are likely to come up against some unexpected trampoline problems. This will be especially true if you have the idea and assumption when buying that a “trampoline is just a trampoline”, which most of us have done until we encounter a trampoline problem, then we learn a lot!
The problems outlined here I will link to a page that will go into that specific problem in more depth so that you can just click through if you see your problem.
If you don’t see your problem here or aren’t satisfied with the answer we give, please feel free to message us here to let us know so we can further look into that particular situation.

This can become apparent on any price point trampoline and possibly within days. It is a problem that can be fixed with regular spraying of WD40 or similar lubricant or disassemble and lubricate the joints and reassemble. – Click here for more information and detail.
Bought the biggest trampoline but the kids don’t like it - Poor bounce
This often comes up, especially if you have young, little kids and a large yard. You use up space and it could be that initially while the kids were preschool age and just running around, doing little people tricks and jumping; all was good. Once they hit the 8-10 age group they want a trampoline that they can get a good bounce out of to get height from, to attempt and hopefully achieve flips, without fear of injury. (maybe too late but - How to choose the right size trampoline for your family)
A trampoline’s bounce and responsiveness comes from a variety of factors; it could be, the trampoline is too big for the weight of the primary users, it could be the shape of the trampoline – (rectangle gives a better bounce than round). Or the frame thickness and design of the trampoline as well. You will find more information here on understanding bounce
Maintenance and care
For some reason, consumers think a trampoline is a set and forget type of item. To a degree it is but like anything, if you care for it and keep an eye on any little aspect of deterioration you can minimise bigger problems occurring. Most big problems do give little warning signs so if you are aware of them you can then fix it quickly and save some money and keep your kids safe all at the same time. I always say doing a safety maintenance check on your trampoline 2 weeks before school holidays is a great time to source new parts if needed or have time to repair in time for when the kids use it most over the holidays. Care of a trampoline will reduce your problems this is our care checklist.
When it comes to wind it doesn’t matter how big or heavy your trampoline might be it will still have the potential in the case of a bad storm to blow over or away. Those one in a hundred-year storms catch people out all the time. It isn’t so much the cost of replacing the trampoline it is the damage that the trampoline can cause to your home or the neighbours and cars. If you don’t want to tie it down all the time at least be prepared for the wrong wind and have something available to tie it down. Here you will find our instructions on how to make your own kit and if your trampoline has already blown away some tips to help you buy the right parts or repair your trampoline. (or even recycle it if it is so bad ) or if still sceptical - 4 questions to answer if you need to tie your trampoline down
Spare parts
Are you struggling to find suitable parts for your trampoline? A very common frustration for unsuspecting trampoline owners. This problem can rear its head even within days of having the trampoline. I have spoken to people just after the new year when the trampoline was assembled for Christmas, then on new years eve sparklers have landed on the trampoline mat burning a hole. They then learnt that their trampoline supplier didn’t support their product with spare parts and they were struggling to find a mat to fit. Funtek is a brand that we speak to their customers often as funtek don't support customers with their parts in Australia. Here's how we can help Funtek customers Guidelines on buying spare parts for department store trampolines - what to be aware of before buying spare parts for your trampoline
UV on materials
The first sign a trampoline may not last a reasonable distance is the evidence of the padding material breaking down in the sun. UV is likely to affect any exposed webbing on the trampoline too like yellow webbing for holding clips or zips in place. Potentially affecting the netting material too, weakening it to the point kids can actually fall through it. You want to make sure that your trampoline parts will last longer than 3-6 months. Warranty will be a good indicator on what you can expect, as warranty will be set below the expected time of damage in the worst UV area in your country – for Australia it is Queensland. However, most warranties don’t include UV damage but it is a grey area between consumers and manufacturers on the technicalities. These 2 articles will help you to prolong the life an better understand padding for your trampoline.
Zips breaking
It can be very annoying when this happens and we have gone to great lengths to do all we can to give confidence in our zips from the type of zip we use to the way it is sewn in and the material surrounding it. If the zip breaks then it leaves the kids exposed to falling out. You need to replace the whole net which can be a pain and many warranties don’t’ include the zip. (ours does) There is a way to repair a zip if you have a specific zip problem and here is the link.
Replacing Jumping Mats / Poor life of jumping mat.
Jumping mats are the second most important part of the trampoline after the frame itself. Each factory one way or another makes their trampoline a little different from the next factory and as the mat has the lowest tolerance to variables in size which makes it very fussy to match across brands. First, check if your supplier does stock spare parts – if yes bingo run with it. If not you could be in for a bit of a tricky job. There are a few articles on this link related to replacing, repairing and measuring trampoline mats for round and rectangle trampolines.
The mat edging will be UV affected quicker if no there is padding on the trampoline covering the webbing that holds the metal triangles and stitching.
If not the made of the true USA tencate material the mats will have carbon breaking down early on in the sun and covering the kids in a fine black residue - mat related articles as per same links as above
Kids come in with black on their clothes from the trampoline
If this starts early on in the life of your trampoline you have likely got the imitation USA woven mat – it is still sold under the same name but there is a slight difference in the texture of the material but it is in the actual composition that causes UV to break the carbon down earlier than on the true USA mat.
Frames bowing
This will come about typically on cheaper end rectangle trampolines. Due to the long straight sides on a rectangle, they really need either thick steel in diameter and thickness and or additional support rails along the side. Once the frame is bowed in it will greatly affect the user experience through lack of bounce. It can be helped by purchasing springs that are a little longer and putting them along the long straight side in the middle section. You may find it works best when you use three different length springs down the side. If this is your problem you are best to phone your trampoline supplier if available or us and ask Andrew for help. Preventing trampoline frame rusting - quality frames and what to look for
Springs tearing through the frame
This is a user weight and steel thickness issue. If you have a cheaper end trampoline this is a common problem when you have older, heavier kids primarily using it. Although the trampolines affected are typically rated 90-120kg maximum user weight this will occur through regular use by kids approx 50kg and over.
Additionally attributing to this problem is often the way the hole is punched in the frame. I have on numerous occasions been able to note this happens more commonly if the kids are more inclined to jump at the edge of the trampoline mat so that the springs aren’t all being used together but by localised areas at a time. Kids that are widely known to do a lot of edge jumping are kids who are Autistic spectrum disorder affected. Read further here about the importance of a strong frame.
Warranty times
This can be a great indicator of a trampoline suppliers confidence in their products. Trampoline warranties range vastly and what those “lifetime” warranties actually include and for how long may not meet your expectations. Read what a warranty includes. Many will trip you up as the warranty will start at the time of purchase and if bought early for Christmas you might have already used up half your warranty time on a cheaper trampoline. Our trampoline warranty
Second hand / Used trampolines
Where to start – Yes not always a cheap option. Mats are the first thing to generally go if the trampoline has had to have been fully disassembled. The new way the trampoline is assembled primarily applies new tensions on new angles and the mat will tear around the stitching. Or maybe you are finding getting a new mat near on impossible – which is often the reason the original owners sell the trampoline. Very frustrating – here are links to a couple of articles on used trampolines - secondhand trampolines and finding the correct mat
As you now know a trampoline isn't just a trampoline there are so many variables to be aware of - hopefully, you have read this before purchasing your family trampoline, if not I hope you have found the answers you needed to your specific trampoline problem. If not please scroll down further for more articles or please feel welcome to message us your questions and photos if you think will help / or please phone (03) 5292 1100
Photo - Flickr - Robbie Sproule