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How to stop your trampoline from being so noisy

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

Is your trampoline driving you crazy with squeakiness?

What might be causing the noise?

  • Squeaks can come from any metal to metal joint, especially if a joint is dry and also how the frame is aligned (how each leg sits on the ground).
  • Local weather conditions can also have an influence on steel and steel contact points - Rain or moisture can get in, then heat can dry out the joints.
  • It does seem there is more of an issue with noise if there aren't any trampoline pads on the frame.
  • We can only guess this is due to greater environmental exposure to the elements.

oil-can-to-stop-trampoline-squeakHow do I find where the noise is coming from?

  • We do recommend lubricating the metal frame joints at the time of assembly in the manual. Some long term lubricant can minimise and prevent this, however, it can usually be overcome in sit-u if this hasn't been done.
  • If you have been unable to pinpoint straight away exactly where a noise is coming from, we suggest checking the following. 
  • Check that each leg is sitting on the ground evenly taking the load. 
  • If there is any unequal load sharing, there can be unnecessary movement in the frame which can sometimes cause noise.
  • If the noise still exists there are two options. 


How do I stop the noise?

  • Take a can of WD40 or other similar lubricant and spray the vertical leg socket joints first.
  • Spray directly upwards around each joint or even separate the joint a little so the lubricant gets in further.
  • Do the same to the top frame joints.
  • Also where the springs meet the frame.
  • Target the area where the noise appears to come from.
  • You can apply liberally, let it soak in a bit.
  • Flex the trampoline a bit so the lubricant gets in (can have the kids jump on the trampoline to help with this).
  • Then wipe any excess off, as dust will stick to any residue.
  • Failing this and the noise continues to be unbearable you will need to disassemble and reassemble the trampoline lubricating all the frame pieces before joining together with a more robust product like and anti-seize or light grease. (our understanding is that it is rare for this to need to happen - only aware of one situation)

How often might I need to lubricate?

Your trampoline will let you know if you need to lubricate it again as it will start to make the noise again.    
    Pending environmental conditions and frequency of trampoline use, it won't be very often - tops a few times each year.

Scroll down this page a little further for more articles of interest related to lubricating and maintaining your trampoline. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to message us here or call us on (03) 5292 1100

Photos - marco monetti - Flickr

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