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Rectangle Trampoline Web and Warehouse reviews

| 2 minutes read | Written by Julie

rectangle-trampoline-review-handwrittenRectangle trampoline reviews - all you need to know


  • Researching a product before purchasing is vital and gaining insight into who you are purchasing from, is equally important.
  • You will appreciate knowing our products are supported with spare parts, and excellent product knowledge should there be any questions before or after purchase.
  • Taking the time as you are reading, and researching about us is what will give you some understanding of trampolines and confidence in us that if you don't know or are unsure about which size trampoline is right for you, you can trust who you are dealing with.
  • We are a family business with a clear focus to be open and honest when selling, openly mentioning anything we are aware of for future improvement and development. We focus on giving all the pros and cons so you are making a fully informed decision. We will never oversell.
  • You will additionally have the comfort to know our rectangle trampolines are the only rectangle trampolines with full current Australian standards 2015 AS4849 (at this time April 2017) For more information about Trampoline Australian Standards follow the link.
  • To help with your review searching on rectangle trampolines; you will find here the links to our Facebook reviews, our eBay reviews, and product review website.
  • On our website are customer reviews for each product. We only got this feature on our website mid last year 2016 and then only in October 2016 did we start an email follow up to customers where we ask them to do a review for us directly on our website under the product ordered.
  • Negative feedback will come back fast, positive is a lot slower so we are grateful for all the positive that we have.
  • Below are the links to all the sizes of our rectangle trampoline specific review pages and a little more product overview as well


"rectangle-trampolines-together-for-reviewRectangle Trampoline Reviews - links to each of the specific sizes




You can scroll further down the page for more links to relevant articles should you need.

Furthermore, you are welcome to email us directly or phone on 03 52150450

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