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The Pros & Cons of a Trampoline Basketball Ring

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie


Trampoline Basketball Ring 10 Pros & Cons

A trampoline basketball ring is a great add on gift, at the time of trampoline purchase or at a later date for birthdays and Christmas or simply when your kids are big enough. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of having one.

The Pros:

There are plenty of positives to having a trampoline with a basketball ring:

  1. It will make your trampoline much more fun, allowing your child to add new games to their jumping time.
  2. A level of challenge is present, your child will strive to get the ball through the hoop from various positions and make up own games.
  3. The ball is smaller and softer than a real basketball so it is great for any ball game on the trampoline, for example, poison ball or soccer.
  4. An even better game of basketball can be played when there are 2 basketball rings on a rectangle trampoline!
  5. Your child will have even greater fitness benefits, through the combined moves they will get to exercise their whole body, resulting in increased levels of activity.


trampoline-basketball-slam-dunk-teenage-boyThe Cons:

  1. Kids will tend to jump closer to the edge of the mat, increasing the risk of overloading springs.
  2. Whenever the ball doesn't land inside the play area, kids will have to go after it, which may be disruptive.
  3. You will need a safety net, and you will also need to anchor the trampoline so that it does not topple over when used too vigorously (to be considered more for older teens).
  4. Kids may feel tempted to hang off the netting or the basketball ring which they are not designed for compared to free-standing rings.
  5. In the situation where you have a tent, you will need to remove the basketball prior to putting the tent on and visa Versa.

As you can see, there are several pros and cons to having a trampoline with a basketball ring attached. 

  • The three basketball rings we stock are all of high quality. Both are made of UV stabilized plastic. We have some on display and both look as good as when they were put up a year ago.
  • The previous backboard we had which is what is still mostly available from other suppliers goes pink within 3-6 months in the Australian sun.
  • Our brand, that suits most round trampolines and rectangle trampolines, comes with a full-length pole (with foams and covers) for extra strength and stability.
  • The Vuly design has one that is suited to both the Vuly2, Vuly Lift and Thunder the other is for the Vuly Classic only.
  •  Now knowing the pros and cons for the basketball ring, you have all the information that is needed to make an informed decision if it is right for your trampoline or not.

If you have any other questions please phone (03) 52921100 or email us.

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