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10x17ft - best outdoor trampoline reviews - parkour / free running

| 6 minutes read | Written by Julie

10x17ft Olympic size trampoline – Parkour and gymnastic trampoline review

  • This trampoline is a winner for teens who want space and are competent at gymnastics, parkour, free running, etc.
  • It’s an all-round hit and the kids are talking about it. See the video reviews below with Australian tramp/parkour kids.
  • This is the most desired trampoline we have in our range but it is also the one, that due to size or budget, is not possible for everyone to have.
  • It is the big trampoline that kids are telling friends about in the hope their friend's parents will buy it.
  • We have done a lot of design work on this trampoline based on feedback from customers and what we observe while kids are testing at our display.
  • The 10x17ft trampoline that we first imported in 2011 compared to this one is very different, by both design and aesthetics. It has evolved over the 6 years to now have a full change of materials and newly designed frame and mat for an enhanced bounce.
  • With trampolines, it’s really about the bounce. Kids will use it if the bounce is best for them.
  • To open this trampoline up to a broader age group we had to improve the bounce.

Jesse has a standard mat. We sponsored him after he tried and vlogged about being on Jye's trampoline.

jesse-jankulovski-flip-beach-australiaWhat was done to give this a really great bounce:

  • The frame was made thicker and stronger
  • The frame corners were angled differently
  • Leg angles and spacing fine-tuned
  • The power curve was added
  • Changes to the mat size and springs as well.

Young, light teens now really love this trampoline for its space and bounce

Standard mat or high bounce mat?

  • With the standard mat it is best suited to skilled users in mid-teens, but to meet the needs of a wider age spectrum, from about 8 years old and the lightweight gymnasts, we do recommend you do purchase it with a high bounce mat.
  • Cheerleaders of all ages were happy with the standard mat. As they don't need as much height for what they do.
  • Honestly, I think everyone who has tried the high bounce mat has loved it.
  • It not only gives the user a better bounce but because of the slightly more open weave than the standard mat has, there is less wind resistance and that means it takes a longer jump time to fatigue.
  • The high bounce mat only attributes a 15% better bounce but it is more noticeable to users than the 25% better bounce on the 8x12ft.

 Jye in this video has a standard mat. You can see he needs to take the pads off to get the bounce he needs. He will benefit from a high bounce mat,

Jesse's unsolicited trampoline session on Jye's - The standard mat (Jesse is one of the best Tramp kids in Australia).

Chad in this video has a high bounce mat - he came to the warehouse to test the trampolines and high bounce was the right choice for him.

Please follow those boys on their youtube channels and ask them any questions you would like about their trampoline and their sport.


10x17ft Trampoline reviews / feedback

  • We don’t always capture feedback in writing but we do get lots of verbal feedback and positive feedback on this trampoline has been great.
  • Customers like you, who are seeking feedback are busy and have good intentions once they purchase to write a review but it seems life happens and the review doesn’t always follow (I’m guilty of the same thing).
  • Here are some reviews on our 10x17ft Olympic Size trampoline product page.


You will find more reviews on Facebook and eBay as well.

Paul Mery 26/04/2017

Great trampoline, easy to install. The netting was the most difficult bit if anything requires two adults.
Kids have been really happy and doing bigger and better jumps and tricks now...
Would recommend.

Geoff Helsham 20/04/2017

Amazing tramp super bouncy and great for all talents

Katrina Tully 03/04/2017

Kids haven't stopped jumping. Love it

Jye Mainprize 23/02/2017 (as per the video above)

Very bouncy without pads but once you add the pads on it isn't as bouncy.

Link to youtube video on Jye's trampoline - filmed by Jesse Jankulovski (standard mat)

Graham Higgerson 08/02/2017

Our daughter loved it and it was difficult to keep her off it while we finished assembling it. She now practices all the gymnastics she couldn't do on the smaller tramp. Assembly was fairly straightforward although assembling the net standing on ladders was a little hairy at times. Only had to backtrack once when mounting a corner post without first threading the long arm through the net sleeve. She uses it every day.

Lauren Gross 03/01/2017

Top Quality and our daughter loves it! Thank you

Happy Customer 30/12/2016

The staff were extremely helpful and were spot on with this recommendation for our teenage children. The frame is heavy, the padding and upper frame are very sturdy. We were impressed by the quality of the trampoline. Great bounce (we purchased the regular mat). Our previous trampoline was a cheap 16ft round one, this is by far superior. Putting it together was relatively simple, although it would be great if the only the instructions for this model were included (the method is slightly different for the various sizes).
You definitely need 2-3 people to set it up, the taller the better.

Jenny Coleman 26/05/2016

Lovely to speak with Sophie & Julie today. Really helpful with information and answering my questions.

Just saying they were great to talk to and I felt confident to purchase the trampoline from your company because of the way they were so friendly & professional.
Jenny Coleman

If you have further questions regarding which trampoline might suit you for your ability, and age doing parkour, free running or gymnastics then scroll down for more articles for reviews and product information. We are also happy to answer questions specifically for you via message or phone (03) 5292 1100.

Photo - Jesse Jankulovski - Instagram

Photo - Handwritten letters - Trampoline Web and Warehouse

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