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Trampolines for Cheerleading - Australia

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

Cheering For Trampolines!

Just like any other sports Cheerleading requires a lot of self-training at home. Self-training for cheerleaders means either doing a full-body workout to gain strength or practicing your tumbles. This can be hard when some cheerleaders haven’t got the skills on the grass or a mat yet, or maybe they simply don’t have the confidence to be able to take the skill to the ground yet.

Having a trampoline makes self -training at home 10x easier as, it allows the athlete to have more of a comfortable place to try new skills, and brush up on the ones that they already have. Trampolines are also great if you have a mini cheerleader who needs to get all their energy out when they come home from school or training.

When choosing a trampoline for your cheerleader there can be many options, your cheerleader might tell you one thing and you might think something completely different.

Jaz - Cheer GeelongHi, I’m Jasmine,

I am a level 2/3 cheerleader at cheer Geelong and I’m currently into my 5th year of cheering.

There are many different trampolines you could choose for your cheerleader but one that many do choose is the 14ftx16ft Force Geetramp Trampoline. This is because we don’t look for the highest bounce necessarily, it's more about the space. With this trampoline, there is enough space to practice running through routines as well as tumbling from corner to corner, just like you would on a cheer floor.

Having a less bouncy trampoline with more space is beneficial to the athlete as they progress to move their skills onto the ground later on It also gives the trampoline more of a ‘spring floor’ sort of feel.

If your cheerleader is leaning towards the high bounce mat and Australian Gal springs, here's a few things to just have a think about. When they are practicing skills on the high bounce mat, your athlete is using the bounce from the trampoline to get them over when they should be using their muscles. This will then make it harder for them to actually use the proper muscles to do the skill on the ground. It could also teach your athletes to jump into the skills rather than preparing themselves to do it on the ground.

The bigger the trampoline you can go for Cheer the better, with a standard mat unless you have extra kids in the family who use a trampoline to train for another sport or just are freestyle happy jumpers.

Hope this has helped you with thinking about your trampoline requirements a little differently than you were before.

Always feel free to call us to discuss your families needs and we will do our best to explain the pros and cons for you to make an informed decision. 03 52921100 or message us here.



Written by Jaz - Cheerleader with CheerGeelong and our youngest sales team member.

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