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Cheap Trampolines - Buyers Beware and Aware

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

Cheap Trampolines – Buyers, Beware and Be Aware


Various online auction sites are well-known places for global sellers to offload merchandise. Many foreign companies are using the well-known auction websites to sell and dropship from within Australia, almost anything they want; cheap trampolines included.

Typically these trampolines are serious, lacking in quality, in both materials and durability. They are introduced into the Australian market, without regard for Australian standards; which interestingly are not mandatory but trusting consumers expect them to be.

Trampolines are quite a hot item around Christmas time. It is also the time when suppliers appear all of a sudden and offer poor quality trampolines at incredible prices to unsuspecting consumers who believe a trampoline is “just a trampoline” and all trampolines are the same. They consequently happily purchase on price point only, in the hype and rush of Christmas.

cheap-trampoline-signHowever, when the trampoline purchased is discovered to be in poor shape often not long after purchase, parents find themselves learning a lot about trampolines a little too late. Generally, first, they will discover the supplier is either gone, without leaving any contact details behind or have a no care factor and won’t supply spare parts. I personally spend a lot of time every year advising people how to try to revive a cheap trampoline to avoid it ending up as landfill.

I know of a factory in China who will bring in containers and dropship out at crazy rates through Sydney. Others will bring in small items that they want to sell and just use trampolines to fill a container and to be able to sell off quick and cheap to get other items into the country without having to buy a full container of the other more expensive items. Therefore their trampoline customers are left without a supplier of compatible trampoline spare parts.

Issues can come up as early as New Year's Eve for Christmas purchases. We have seen this many times over our years selling trampolines. Sparklers are thrown into the air while on or near the trampoline, melting a long hole in the mat a mere 5 days into the trampoline being assembled. The other high risk to a trampoline is wind damage, either the trampoline going flying or something landing on the trampoline.

A common problem with cheap trampolines is that they have a unique jumping mat. They often have less spring points than common better brands, this alone can render the trampoline as useless and simply, landfill.

Please, we caution you to buy a trampoline fully informed to avoid being on the phone early New Year frustrated and upset unable to find compatible parts for your kids big Christmas present so soon after assembling it. We are not always able to help and support with spare parts for brands that are not our own. Cheap is often not cheap for long.

If you would like to talk to us about a trampoline purchase, please feel free to call (03) 5292 1100 or message us here.

Photo - H.L.I.T - Flickr




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