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Why supervision of children on a trampoline is important

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

feet-adult-supervisionWhat adults need to know and do for trampoline supervision



Trampolines are great fun for young and old alike. Unfortunately, injuries related to trampoline use are not as rare as you may think. This is due to many factors including, inexperienced users doing risky flips and bounces, weather conditions, improper installment of the trampoline etc. Here, we go over the role and importance of adult supervision while kids are on the trampoline.


Importance of trampoline supervisor

Supervising children while they are using the trampoline can reduce the risk of injuries. Keep in mind that injuries of the head, neck or spine can be very severe.

Role of supervisor

A supervisor can ensure that no one will use the trampoline if it is wet, dirty, damaged, the safety net is removed or the padding is not in place.

The supervisor (be it a parent or grandparent etc) will clean the trampoline and install safety equipment (trampoline Ladder) if needed.

What to look for

  • Inspect the trampoline and make sure that everything is in place and the mat is clean and dry.
  • The supervisor should also check that there are no young children, pets or objects under the trampoline, before kids and grown-ups start bouncing. Checking for objects and children under the trampoline is important; if someone starts jumping, the kids or pets underneath could be severely injured.
  • If objects are hidden underneath, the user might get hurt on a hard surface and the trampoline mat might suffer irreparable damage.
  • Checking not only below but also above and around the trampoline is also crucial.
  • If moving the trampoline for a party from its normal position in the garden, the supervisor needs to check that there are no trees, cables, ropes, lighting etc hanging above the trampoline mat.

Checking the kids are ready for bouncing

  • Kids can bounce really high and may get tangled or hit heads which can lead to very serious accidents.
  • The supervisor needs to make sure that the users are wearing clothing that cannot get caught anywhere on the trampoline and safety net.
  • This means that clothes with hoods, ribbons, strings and hanging belts are not safe choices. Of course all kids should take off their shoes before going on the trampoline as hard soles, metal buckles and heels can damage the mat and even cause tears that will lead to injuries.
  • Additionally, it is advised to keep kids away from the trampoline at least one hour after meals, as all the bouncing can upset their stomach and lead to vomiting.

When no supervisor available or the play time is complete

  • If the trampoline is not in use or if there is no supervisor available, the trampoline should have the ladder removed and the zip secured. This way you don't need to worry about the little ones doing risky tricks and injuring their head or neck, trying to do flips if you are not observing their actions.

To put it simply, trampoline injuries can be completely avoided if the users are being responsible. As that is not always the case with children, the presence of a supervisor is important in order to ensure that the trampoline is used according to the safety precautions. This way everyone will have hours of fun without worries, and in the unfortunate event of an accident;  with a safety conscious supervisor on standby, first aid can be set in motion immediately often reducing the effect of the injury.. 

Photo - ASCOM - Prefeitura de Votuporan - Flickr




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