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Trampoline Games

| 3 minutes read | Written by Julie

family-games-on-trampolineClassic trampoline games

Children can play on a trampoline for hours, just jumping up and down - they are easily entertained! But if their friends are over and you want to spice things up a little bit, why not suggest a few games that are suitable for more players? An adult supervisor needs to be on watch at all times while games with more than one child are occurring on the trampoline.

Crack The Egg: One person tucks their knees in their chest as tight as they can. They are “the egg”. The goal of the other players is to bounce close to the egg, so that he or she won't be able to hold their knees anymore. Players can take turns and the egg that doesn't crack for the longest period of time wins.
Poison Ball: The basic rule here is that if the ball touches you, you are poisoned. Two players will be the ball throwers if there is no net on the trampoline and the rest will try to avoid it. If there is a net, sit the ball on the trampoline then start to jump to move the ball but try to avoid contact with the ball. Set a number of touches that indicates the loser or agree that anyone hit by the ball will leave the game and the one who stays on the longest wins.
Marco Polo: One player has his eyes covered with a piece of cloth and tries to tag the others on the trampoline. The last one that remains untagged wins. Make sure that the kids are old enough to understand that they have to be careful not to hurt each other, especially the kid with their eyes closed.
 Trampoline Soccer : Use a soft smaller ball and nominate a goal between two net posts per player on the trampoline.  A goal can be scored on any of the players goals spaces. An agreed on number of goals will determine the winner. Include no touching of the ball with hands to make it even trickier!
Trampoline Basketball: Can be played either on a round or rectangle trampoline. You will need to purchase and install a trampoline basketball ring. If you have a  bigger trampoline, for example rectangles 9x14 or 10x17 ft trampoline, a ring at each end adds even more fun! Even on a 14ft or 15ft round trampoline two basketball rings add more interest for the kids.
Once you give your children inspiration, they will create the trampoline versions of their favourite games in no time! Trampoline soccer, tag and wrestling are some ideas. Let the kids come up with their own and enjoy watching them have tonnes of fun and explore their creative sides.
There are no names for the games our kids played! One was Power Rangers from the TV show! I have no clue on the rules or really what they did but they had fun! You can see below our two youngest boys kitted out ready to fly! So I had no real clue what was really going to happen if I didn't appear outside when I did!
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Photo - Flickr - Loren Kerns


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