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Best trampoline spring cover padding

| 5 minutes read | Written by Julie

Best Trampoline spring cover padding in Australia

Trampoline padding is one of the easier parts to retro fit across different brands. However determining quality it a little more difficult.This article is to highlight the GeeTramp brand of padding that is likely the best domestic trampoline padding in the world but for now we will just say in Australia. Padding tends to be the part that deteriorates the fastest on department store and cheap online trampoline suppliers, trampolines. If you are after padding that will keep your children safe from springs, protect them from hitting the frame and last then read on. 

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Why the padding has poor reputation?

  • PE or PVC deteriorating quickly and flaking everywhere
  • Foam being too thin
  • Holding water
  • Water that seeps out slowly onto the trampoline mat
  • Ties that are sewn in, all too frequently pull out or off of their spots.



We have experienced all these same problems too. However, over the years we have listened to our customers and have sought ways to improve the padding. Now, when customers purchase their GeeTramp  replacement parts, we can show them what we learnt, what the problems were and how we changed our product, providing them with pads that will make their trampoline better than when it was new.


What makes GeeTramp pads the best and the safest?

Many companies have gone with trampoline netting that sits on the inside of the padding, however, they don't supply spare parts for either the netting or the padding. GeeTramp concept is to keep with an outside net as we have found inside nets reduce the play space of the trampoline by 2ft on all sizes (this is a lot of space for arms and legs to extend into). If you would like to better understand inside VS outside netting follow this link.

Our changes to safety padding for trampolines with outside nets are a world first and make the trampoline much safer. The netting is sewn in at the front of the pads and attached to the trampoline mat hooks with a buttonhole like function at the time of assembly.


This layer of netting benefits the users as follows:

  • It prevents little fingers and toes having access to the springs
  • It stops the pads bouncing up or blowing up
  • Users with long hair won’t get any wayward strands or ponytails caught in the springs
  • In the event of a flying spring, it will have no way to come in contact with the user




Further Improvements:

(picture is a small demonstration model)

  • The PVC we used is 0.55 mm thick with colours that are known to hold better under extended time with UV.
  • The base fabric that PVC is melted onto is a tight weave.




  • Pad foams are extra thick with 50mm at the frame edge and tapering to 25mm at the front, where it meets the mat.


Tapered Foam

  • By having tapered padding the water runs off better. This ensures much less pooling of water on the PVC which affects the life of the PVC by magnifying the UV through the water.



Water Drainage

  • The underside of our pads have drain holes to allow water that does seep into seams to have a means to flow out under the trampoline. This stops it from coming onto the trampoline, as is often the problem with many brands.



Longer Lasting Foam

  • By enabling the water to have somewhere to go, the foam also lasts longer (waterlogged foam goes jelly-like).







Better Attachment

  • Previously we have found that the ties on the underside fall off too easily. To rectify this GeeTramp have installed; reinforced brass eyelets on the underside and have the pads secured with bungee cord ties. So in the eventuality of the elastic becoming slack, there is still a place to secure new bungee cords.



Jumping Mat Protection

  • An extended piece of PVC with no foam in it does continue over the jumping mat to ensure all the stitching is always covered.
  • Mat stitching and webbing left exposed to the weather and UV are more likely to deteriorate faster without good covering by PVC.






  • All seams are secured with topstitching to help take a greater load and create a better finish for the padding aesthetically.

All in all, our trampoline spring cover pads may look like many other manufacturers' pads from a distance. However in reality they are so much more and do last longer as a result of all the improvements we have striven to deliver.

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For further information on our quality parts please scroll down to more articles.

Or if you would like direct help please feel free to email or phone us on (03) 5292 1100

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