Gymnastics Clubs Australia™ Approved
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Trampolines are made by various manufacturers, and this is the main reason why you are unlikely to see actual standard trampolines.
Buying replacement parts for a trampoline after a few years can be very difficult. Many people then come to us saying that they have a "standard trampoline". We regretfully inform them that there isn't any way we can work out what they need from that as there are so many variables.
This is most frustrating for people who have purchased from department stores or cheap importers who come into the market at Christmas and off load a few containers of cheap priced and cheap quality trampolines and leave their customers high and dry without any spare parts or any other supplier in the country having a compatible mat without them having the cost of replacing springs as well.
The best way to make sure your trampoline receives the needed replacements is by making your purchases from the same manufacturer and a great pre-purchase tip is to ensure the manufacturer you purchase from stocks and sells spare parts.
Photo - Frankieleon - Flickr
$749 was $915
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