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Why Are There No Actual Standard Trampolines?

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie

trampolines-compare-apples-with-applesThe reasons for no recognised standard sized trampolines

Trampolines are made by various manufacturers, and this is the main reason why you are unlikely to see actual standard trampolines.

Buying replacement parts for a trampoline after a few years can be very difficult. Many people then come to us saying that they have a "standard trampoline". We regretfully inform them that there isn't any way we can work out what they need from that as there are so many variables.

This is most frustrating for people who have purchased from department stores or cheap importers who come into the market at Christmas and off load a few containers of cheap priced and cheap quality trampolines and leave their customers high and dry without any spare parts or any other supplier in the country having a compatible mat without them having the cost of replacing springs as well. 

Why is such a thing, important?


  • If it is important to you to be able to replace parts easily in event of weather or wear and tear damage, having access to spare parts is most valuable.  
  • a compatible mat is the most difficult part to replace often it is a difficult part to replace without having the cost of replacing springs as well.
  • This is most unfortunate and costly for consumers 


Common sizes is as close as you can get to such a thing as a "standard trampoline"  in regards to size.

Four most common sizes are:

  • 10ft and 12ft for round trampolines,
  • 7x10ft and 8x12ft for rectangle trampolines.
  •  This does not mean, however, that a new mat or net you buy for a 10ft trampoline will necessarily fit to your old frame.

We will discuss some mat issues right away.

Taking measurements for round trampoline mat

  • The first thing you need to do is measure your trampoline if you want to get it right the first time when you want to purchase a new mat.
  • For round ones, you need to know the exact diameter of the frame - outside edge of frame to outside edge of frame. 
  • We also can't stress enough how important it is to use our mat calculator to ensure all variables are taken into consideration. Like position of the hole in the frame, diameter of the tubing, depth of the "D" ring on the mat and spring length. There is only a tolerance of 25mm from the mat that was on your trampoline originally and another you can purchase from another supplier/manufacturer.

Taking measurements for rectangle trampoline mat

  • While for rectangle trampolines, you need to measure the length and width line up in each direction with the first spring to keep away from guessing at the rounded corners. Again outside edge of the frame to outside edge of the frame.

Padding is most likely to fit,

  • as it is the most unpretentious part of a trampoline.
  • If the nominal size is 10ft or 12ft then nominal sized 10 or 12ft pads will fit.
  • rectangle padding can be a little more tricky so be sure to have measured your frame from outside edge of the frame in both length and width.

Getting the right net

  • When it comes to safety nets, however, there is quite a problem.

Aspects to consider are plenty 

  • the number of poles,
  • the design,
  • their position, 
  • Compare, check and measure first thoroughly

Frames are not all the same

  • Frame pieces are also tricky.
  • Each manufacturer has their own standards and or machines that crimp, roll and punch just a little different to another manufacturers machines.
  • so getting pieces to fit can be close to impossible.
  • Some manufacturers use sturdier materials and thicker tubes, just to mention a few differences.

The best way to make sure your trampoline receives the needed replacements is by making your purchases from the same manufacturer and a great pre-purchase tip is to ensure the manufacturer you purchase from stocks and sells spare parts.

Photo - Frankieleon - Flickr

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