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How to prevent static shock on a trampoline?

| 2 minutes read | Written by Julie

How to reduce static electricity on a trampoline?

A customer sent us this question a short while ago making us aware of static shock on their trampoline.

It is a question we have not had before or personally experienced to the point of regularity from a trampoline.

However I do know how annoying random but regular zapping is and how it does become somewhat unnerving.

I get zapped with my sisters wheel chair excessively in a shopping centre but rarely anywhere else and my husband gets zapped getting out of my car only.

So we have done a little research on the topic...

girl-on-trampoline-with-static-in-hairWhat causes static shocks?

  • Electric shock is a common experience for a lot of things, getting out of a car, off a trampoline, opening a door etc.
  • Electric shock is caused by an electrical charge built up by the energy rubbing against 2 surfaces or materials that conduct differently.

Static energy becomes worse in cold/dry conditions: The dry air is like an insulator, the static build up cannot discharge until you are near an earth point like a steel trampoline frame touching the ground.

Here are a few tips on our to reduce electric shocks occurring:

  • Wear cotton clothing while on the trampoline (avoid woollen material)
  • Go barefoot on the trampoline
  • Level your energy by grounding yourself with a metal object in your pocket; something small and flat e.g. coin
  • Moisturise your skin before jumping
  • Reduce sliding or rubbing before getting off the trampoline. The shock is between the earth (frame) and the very tip of you. Try holding a small metal item before exiting the trampoline, then use that item to touch the frame to take the static shock.

Please let us know what does actually work for you.

We will hope it is as simple as a coin in your pocket and not the moisturising.

Let us know via email

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