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Biggest Trampoline Sizes For Sale In Australia

| 4 minutes read | Written by Julie

The four biggest trampoline sizes available in Australia

Families with lots of kids or teens who are then also fortunate to have loads of yard space, often want to know what the biggest trampolines are that are available in the Australian trampoline market.

  • From us at Web And Warehouse, we can give you a choice of four different big trampolines.
  • All our trampolines have good strong frames, thick PVC padding and all are considered high-quality trampolines in the Australian trampoline market.


14ft Round Trampoline

Round trampolines have an even bounce for all the users. Young boys enjoy this one as they tend to not only jump and wrestle but also run around in circles (which is safer on a round trampoline than running up and down a rectangle one). Frame diameter (outside edge of frame) in metric measures 4267 mm.







Rectangle 14x16 ft Trampoline

14x16ft Rectangle Trampoline

  • This trampoline is almost a square (4267 x 4877 mm). This is described as 'huge' or 'massive', even for a trampoline. Often referred to as our 'cheerleader trampoline', as girls love it for the huge space that they can do diagonal tumbles, flips and floor routines.
  • For lighter girls, height can be a little difficult to achieve but then again kids that do gymnastics do tend to have skills that surprise us. They are pocket rockets!
  • The 14x16 ft is the one we had at home for our then three teen boys and their friends. It has been the only trampoline all our family of 6 would jump on together and play family soccer.
  • When we put the trampoline up initially we learnt we had kids living behind our house that we had never seen or heard. The neighbourhood kids all came out of the woodwork and jumped the fences to enjoy the huge trampoline next door! It is a trampoline that clearly has neighbourhood wow factor.

Olympic Sized - 10x17 ft Rectangular Trampoline

10x17ft Rectangle Trampoline Jumping

  • This one is a great trampoline for family and for single users. It provides a better bounce because it isn't as wide as the 14x16 ft.
  • Again a great social space and ideal for playing family soccer, basketball and volleyball etc.
  • It also has a strong upper net frame structure.
  • The width and length are taken from outside of the frame in each direction 3048 x 5240 mm.

Vuly - Thunder Extra Large

Vuly Thunder Trampoline


  • Vuly is a great brand and offers a very unique style trampoline to the market. The design is very '21st century' and has great appearance and safety features.
  • It is the biggest Vuly trampoline available and comes with a shade cover.
  • Diameter is 14 ft or 4240 mm.


Hopefully, you will now feel a little more informed in making a decision as to which trampoline will be right for your family.

Click on any of the links for more information about the trampolines discussed or scroll down to read and see more about big trampolines for large families or older kids. If you wish to discuss your needs with us please feel free to call on (03) 5292 1100 or message us with some information about your family dynamics, number of kids, their ages and the sports that they do on the trampoline.

Some families with either lots of kids or teens are then also fortunate to have loads of yard space - this then leads to the next question - what is the biggest Trampolines available in the market? For us at Trampoline Web And Warehouse we can give you a choice of 4 different but yet with all things considered big trampolines - One even commonly referred to being "huge". What is the biggest Trampolines available in the market? For us at Trampoline Web And Warehouse we can give you a choice of 4 different but yet with all things considered big trampolines - One even commonly referred to being "huge".

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